Code: EF20BB7B100521  Price: 4,000   61 Pages     Chapter 1-5    6326 Views


This study is an assessment of library and information services to users of academic libraries in Nasarawa state using descriptive survey method. The study was conducted to assess the library and information services rendered in academic libraries in Nasarawa state. Six research questions guided the study. A sample size of 430 registered users of the population of 4300 was used using proportional sampling method from the six academic libraries in six higher institutions in the state. Twelve librarians from the six librarians were randomly selected to seek their opinion on the assessment by the users. Questionnaire and observation checklist were used to collect data. Data collected were analyzed using mean x and percentages. The result of the study showed that most of the library and information services that help the users to obtain information are rendered by academic libraries in Nasarawa state. Majority of the users employ resources employed by the libraries but use textbooks mostly; not all the services rendered in the library are satisfied with loan, bindery, interlibrary loan, 3udio/visual, translation and interpreting services are poorly utilized, utilization of services is challenged by a number of problems such as incompetence’s of library s:aff1 insufficient time [opening and closing], poor library education, lack of computers and accessories, computers are not connected, lack of searching skills and that these problems can be overcome by provision of adequate materials, training of library staff, provision of ICT resources, increasing of opening hours, provision of internet services and orientation. Finally, the study made the following recommendations that all known library services should be offered audio/visual resources should be richly provided utilization and satisfaction should be the desire of the librarians, and enough seating space should be provided, delinquent readers and wrong shelving should be tackled.


Title Page                                                                            i

Approval Page                                                                         ii

Certification                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                      iv

Acknowledgement                                                                   v

Abstract                                                                                    vi

Table of Content                                                                              vii

List of Tables                                                                                           x

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                     1

Background of the study                                                                       1

 Statement of the problem                                                             11

Purpose of the study                                                                            13

Research questions                                                                             14

Significance of the study                                                              14

Scope of the study                                                                       15

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                    16

Conceptual framework                                                                     16

Concept of academic libraries                                                                     17

Concept of assessment                                                                             20

The library and information services rendered                              24

Information resources employed in the provision of information services to the users          30

The level of satisfaction of satisfaction of users of services                    35

The extent of utilization of the services                                             37

The problems associated with the provision of library and information services               42

The strategies the higher institution libraries can adopt to enhance the utilization                48

The review of related empirical studies                                         52

Summary of literature review                                                         57

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHOD                                   60

Design of the study                                                                       60

Area of the study                                                                            60

Population of the study                                                            61

Sample and sampling techniques                                              61

Instrument for data collection                                                  62

Validation of instrument                                                         63

Method of data collection                                                       64

Method of data analysis                                                       65

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS                                                  66

Summary of major findings                                               84

CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION                                                                          86

Discussion of the findings                                             86

The library and information services rendered to users       86

Information resources employed                                           87

The level of the user’s satisfaction                                        87

Extent of utilization of services provided                    88

Problem associated with the utilization of library                 89

Strategies to enhance utilization of the library                    89

Implications of the study                                         90

Recommendations                                                                          91

 Limitations of the study                                                                92

Suggestion for further research                                                      93

Conclusion                                                                                  93

References                                                                              95

Appendix I                                                                     101

Appendix II                                                                                           102

Appendix III                                                                                             103

Appendix IV                                                                                            119


Table 1:    Library and Information Services available in Academic Libraries in Nasarawa State                                                               67

Table 2:    User’s perceptions of the Library and Information services rendered in academic libraries in Nasarawa State                                69

Table 3:    Percentage Responses of Librarians on Library and Information Services Rendered                                                                                      72

Table 4:    Observation Checklist of Information Resources Employed by Academic Libraries in Nasarawa State                                                            73

Table 5:    Perceived responses of users on the level of the resources employed by the academic libraries in the provision of library and information services                                                                          75

Table 6:    Librarians’ mean responses on the extent of the resources employed by the academic Libraries in the provision of Library and information services                                                                                       76

Table 7:    Mean responses on the level of satisfaction of the users on the services provided                                                                                                  78

Table 8:    Mean responses of users on their extent of utilization of these services             79

Table 9:    The Mean responses of the users on the problems associated with the utilization of the services provided by the academic libraries    80

Table 10: Mean responses of Librarians on the problems associated with the utilization of the services provided by the academic libraries          81

Table 11:  Mean responses of users on the strategies the academic libraries can adopt to enhance utilization of the services                          83



Background of the Study:

The academic library is one of the many types of libraries charged with the responsibility of satisfying the instructive and research needs of the students and the faculty. It is an indispensable instrument for intellectual development which a user of a particular higher institution can go into at will unrestricted to help him or her to the whole field of knowledge.  Academic  library, according  to  Reitz(2004)  is  “a  library  that  is  an  integral  part  of  the  College,  University,  or  other  institutions of  post  secondary  education  and  administered  to  meet  the  information  and  research  needs  of  its  students,  faculty  and  staff”.  The  academic  library  is  fundamentally  established  to  render  services  to  the  community  in  a  disciplined  and  responsible  manner  and  to  teach  the  users  how  to  use  the  library  to  enjoy  the  utilization  of  the  services  available.

            Every  academic  library  usually  receives  the  mandate  of  its  parent  institution  to  carry  out  the  functions  which  are  reflective  of  their  objectives  which are  guides  by  which  it’s  proper  assessment  can  be  carried  out.  Edoka (2000)  has  given  the  functions  of  the  academic  library  as  follow, to:  provide  information  materials  required  for  the  academic  programmed of  the  parent  institution,   provide  research  information  resources  in  consonance with  the  needs  of  faculty  and  research  students,   provide  information  resources  for  recreation  and  for  personal  self-development  of  users,  provide  study  accommodation  in  a  useful  variety  of  locations,   provide  protection  and  security  for  the  materials,  cooperate  with  other  libraries  at  appropriate  levels  for  improved  information  services, provide  specialized  information  services  to  appropriate  segments  of  the  wider  community.

            The  role  of  academic  library    is  to  support  teaching, learning,  and  research   by  maintaining  relevant  materials  and  creating  enabling  environment  for  the  users  to  achieve  their  respective  aims  of  using  it.  It  plays  the  role  of  information  provider  for  the  successful  completion  of  the  users’  courses.  An  academic  library  that  does  not  carry  out  these  functions  faces  the  danger  of  criticism  by  the  users,  and  even  non-users  of  such  library.  The  lecturers,  the  students,  and  the  researchers  are  usually  affected  in  their  zeal  to  excel  in  whatever  their  academic  desires  are  if  the  functions  which  dictate  their  role  are  not  performed.  This  is  because  their  success  depends  to  a  large  extent  on  how  well  the  library  carries its functions..

For  high  performance  by  the  users,  the  library  is  expected  to  stock  proper  information  resources.  And  in  order  to  qualify  to  be  regarded  as  a  store  house  of  record  of  human  experience  which  the  academic  community  can  depend  upon  for  information,  assorted  information  resources are provided. These include Yearbooks,  Almanacs,  Directories,  Handbooks,  Manuals,  Dictionaries,  Encyclopedias,  Periodicals  such  as  Newspapers,  Magazines,  and  Journals,  Films,  Filmstrips,  Slides,  CDROMS,  Photographs,  Maps,  Atlases,  Gazettes,  Gazetteers,  Tapes  and Cassettes,  Projectors,  Computers,  Indexes,  Abstracts,  Bibliographies, Government documents  etc..  These materials should be current and adequate in quantity and be consistently made available. The  resources  can  be  provided  on  site  from  remote  storage  locations  through  Information  and  Communication  Technology (ICT).

 It  must  be  seen  clearly,  to  support the  programmes  and  the  courses  offered  by  the institution.  This  support  must  be  visible  in  the  hours  the  library  maintains  for  its  users.  The  longer  the  hours  the  better,  to  enable  the  students  have  ample  opportunities  to  make  use  of  the  library  resources  after  the  hectic   lecture  hours  that  last  from  morning  to  evening in  most  of  the  days  of  the  week.  This  is  one  of  the  problems  of  library  services  in  Nigeria  because  it  affects  greatly  the  students’  utilization  of  the  resources  therein by reducing the number of hours the users make use of the library. Observations   show  that  most  of  the  students  use  library  a  few  hours  per  day.  Shorter  opening  and  closing  hour  deprive  the  users  the  privilege  they  are  entitled  to  make  use  of  the  library.

            Information  is  the  principal  factor  for  the  establishment  of  any  tertiary  institution  library.  The  academic  library  exists  to  gather  and  organize  information  in  different  formats  to  satisfy  the  inquisitive  minds  of  the  users. The New Webster’s dictionary of the English language (1992) defines information as knowledge obtained by search, study, etc. It  is  an  important  ingredient  to  development  in  all  aspects  of  life.  No fundamental development or achievement can take place without it.  Every development hinges on adequate and timely information. Realistically,  an  individual  or  society  that  is  starved  of  information  is  stationary  in  growth  economically,  scientifically,  technologically  and  otherwise.

            Libraries are expected to be providers of information.  The  students  desire  to  be  availed  assorted  information  resources  in  all  the  areas  of  their  courses  of  study.  To  be  able  to  serve  them  effectively,  the  librarians  in  the  academic  institutions  are expected  to  be  experts  in  identifying  relevant  information  and  making  them  available  to  the  users. Libraries usually develop mechanisms for the timely and adequate provision for their learning readers through different kinds of library services.

            Library and information  service  is  provided  in  the  academic  community  to  ensure  that  the  users  in  the  community  are  served  optimally.  The  word  service  is  defined  by   Encarta  Dictionary  as  “Work  done  for  somebody,  a  job,  duty,  punishment  or  favour”. As  a  unit  that  exists  to support  the  academic  programmes  of  its  parent  institution, the academic library is expected to provide  quality  services  to  satisfy  the  users’  needs  to  actually  facilitate  the  users  success  and  encourage  life-long  learning.  Every library service therefore has the following objectives to: implement the provision of the library, meet the information needs of the entire community,  provide  a  high  standard  of  service  and  assistance  to  readers, provide adequate facilities for viewing. Provision  of  information  services  is  known  to  promote  library  usage  in  the  academic  library  by  the  users.  In  the  words  of  Oni-Orisan (1973)  “service  concept  implies  all  the  librarian  does to  make a  reader  feel  welcome  and  comfortable  in  his  library  and  to   enable  him  get  materials  he  requires  with  minimum  efforts  either  by  himself  or  through  the  assistance  of  a  librarian”. Library and Information  service   consists  of  finding  specific  facts,  interpreting  the  information  sources,  translating,  indexing,  abstracting,  literature  searching. Information  services  are  carried  out  with  certain  objectives  such  as  assisting  users to  gain  quick  access  to  information,  creating  awareness  of  information  that  is  available.

  They  are  provided  by  the  library  to  the  readers  to  receive  the  required  attention  to  enable  them  enjoy  their  usage  of  the  library.  Information  services  can  be  rendered  to  a  group  or  individually  to  enable  them   get  as  much  as  possible  the  information that  is  necessary  for  the  completion  of  their  academic  pursuit.  Failure  to  render  this   service  will  definitely  affect  the  performance  of  the  student  and  amount  of  information  the  lecturers can  dole out  to   the  students.  Users  of  the  academic  libraries  are  assisted  in  finding  the  right  books  that  contain  answers  to  questions  they  have  in  mind. Every  information  service  rendered  should  be  directly  related  to  the  needs  of  the  users  and  can  be  grouped  into  the  following  categories  as  revealed   by  Weisman(1972)  Documentation,  Dissemination,  Inquiry,  and  Special  activities. As a result of the critical nature of information services provision, there is a need to regularly assess whether these services are adequately provided in academic libraries

            Equally, the academic  libraries  in  whatever  type  of  institutions  should not lose sight of  general  reference  service,  routing  of  current  periodicals  to  the  lecturers  and   research  fellows, preparing  library  bulletin and engaging in selective  dissemination  of  information.  In  order  to   enjoy  fuller  exploration  of  the  libraries,  the  academic  libraries  equally  provide  the  following  services:  registration  of  readers  to  issue  borrowing  tickets  to  enable  them   borrow  books  and  use  the  library outside  at their  convenient  time,  photocopying  pages  of  highly  needed  book,  preparing  of  bibliographies  in  certain  subject  areas,  interlibrary  loan  to  enable  them  have  access  to  the  materials  that  are  not  available  in  their  own   library,  since  no  single  library  can  provide  enough  information  sources  for  its  readers,  book  exhibition,  cataloguing,  classification,  and  shelf management. All these help in no small measure to  utilize  library .

            The   library  service  that  is  most  appreciated  is  that  which  takes  into   consideration  the  disadvantaged  users  in  the  academic  community.  The  academic  library  should  therefore  adopt   all-embracing  service  which  considers  the  blind,  or  the  visually  impaired  users,  the  lame  and  the  hearing  impaired .Their  own  materials  must  be  provided  and  they  should  enjoy  friendliness  from  the  staff  whenever  they  need  help.  Even  the  normal  readers  deserve  to  be  given  friendly  treatment  in  order  to  utilize  the  library  fully.

The  users  of  the  academic  library  are  the  students  who  form  the  larger  percentage,  the  lecturers,  the  senior  and  junior  non-academic  staff. The users  have  diverse  areas  of  interest  and  different  levels  of  needs  as to their disciplines and years of study.   The  needs  of  the  First  year,  second,  third,  fourth  or  fifth  year  students  differ.  There  are  also  post  graduate students whose  needs  differ  from  the  other  levels  or  categories  of  readers.  By  implication,  each  student  has  special  needs  which  must  be  satisfactorily  met  with  diverse  and  special  services.  This  means  that  special  information  service  facilities  must  be  put  in  place  if all  the  users  will  gain  from  using  the  library The services rendered by  the academic library should be able to establish,  promote,  maintain  and  increase  the  users’  desire  to  seek  more  information.  This  kind  of  services  involve  making available  varied  authoritative  and  current  resources  that  support  the  mission  of  the  library  and  the  goals  of  the  parent  institution.  The  students  particularly  should  be   taught  so  that   they  can  recognize  when  an  information  is  needed  and why the  information  is   needed. In  order  to  achieve  this,  the  academic  library  must  conserve,  transmit  and  create  knowledge.

The  beauty  of  the academic  library does  not  lie  so  much  on  the  facilities  available but  on  how  satisfied the users are on the services rendered to them. The information materials provided to the readers are aimed at satisfying the information needs.  While  it  is  good  for  the  library  to  select  and  acquire  materials  of  general  interests  in  large  quantities,  there  is  the  need  to  make sure they are  highly  useful so that they can be made  accessible and satisfactorily used. The  users,  both  the  students  and  the  lecturers  become  fascinated  about  the  collection  that  may  be  available  in  a  library  in  several  volumes  which  is  an  indication  of  how  good  or  bad  it  is,  but  if  the materials do not meet their needs, they will be dissatisfied over them. The  quality  of  collection  of  the  academic  library  is  one  of  the  principal  indicators  of  the  quality  of  services  which  it’s  readers  enjoy.  It is the satisfaction the users enjoy that explains of the library derives   the  honour  of  being  regarded  as  the  ‘heart’  of  the  institution.  If  the  relevant  materials  are  conveniently  made  available  and  they  are  actually  used,  the  outstanding  performance  of  the  students  will  be  witnessed.

A  supplemented  and  well  stocked  library  that  is  not  used  is  as  useless  as  a  library  without  adequate  collection.  Reasons  abound  why  very  relevant  collection  may  not  be  used  in  an  academic  library.  Such reasons are summarized by Aguolu and Aguolu (2002) as follow: the  users  do  not  know  precisely  what  they  want,  they  can

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